
Showing posts from January, 2020

What Is My Purpose?

To me, my purpose in life is to help others and inspire. I know I’m only 17, but I have a lot of people admiring me. I always find myself in situations helping others without even trying. My best interest is to make sure everyone around me is okay before I am. I try to make life easier the best way I can. My friends sometimes tell me I uplift their days when they’re down and that they admire my confidence. Some friends even say they wish they had it the same, but I don’t take this the wrong way. If they’re feeling down or low in confidence, I’ll help lift them up by giving positive advice. A purpose in life can be the simplest things you do everyday without noticing. A purpose in life is our reason on earth and if this is mine,I will work everyday to strengthen my purpose.


Today when we entered class we started discussing Kobe Bryant’s death. This was really a tragedy because he was considered a legend in America. We then watched a video created and narrated by Kobe Bryant. He discussed his love for basketball and his dreams that led him to become who he was. He didn’t want to quit, but he knew his time for basketball was up. Mr.Rease then supplied us with 5 important life skills. Strive to achieve your best, work the hardest towards your goal, cherish loved ones, forget about things that don’t matter, and live with no regrets. These made me sort of inspired to the fact of life.

Multiple Choice

Today in class, we received our multiple choice questions back from yesterday and practiced multiple choice strategies. The multiple choice strategies we practiced were underlining the first parts of the answer choices to eliminate the ones least important. After the discussion, we read part of an essay about not being good enough. The boy in the story was actually feeling not good enough and took vocational education classes. Mr. Rease shared with us that he took workshop in high school with wood and construction. We then shared what programs we would like for our school to get. Culinary and sewing would be some good trades or side job when you graduate from school.


Today in class we were given a practice multiple choice test on book clubs. The test was mainly discussing how book clubs weren’t really good. They became popular , but never really went as scheduled. There would be arguments and misinterpretations. There would also be competition between the book club members. Analyzing the text was kinda difficult for me because I couldn’t focus on it, but it wasn’t so bad when I was given a second chance to correct and identify mistakes.

Certainty and Doubt

As we entered class we were asked “List some things that you are certain about.” I responded that I’m certain that I’m a girl. I learned that certainty is having 100% faith. Doubt is lacking faith. We were then given scriptures to help. Faith’s biblical definition is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Certainty and doubt coincide with each other. They have relationships between each other. Certainty and doubt will have an unbalanced relationship with one another because they don’t agree.


Today in class we played a game of four corners. In the game we argued about different topics and whether we agreed, strongly agreed, disagreed, and strongly disagreed.

Fallacies Once Again

Today we discussed fallacies again. Instead of discussing the bad parts of fallacies ,we discussed what to do and what not to do. We commit the fallacy sins so often without even knowing. Fallacies include bad proof, wrong number of choices, and disconnect between proof and conclusion. Fallacies are also false comparisons between two thing. The all natural fallacy is assuming that family members have the same traits. I can relate because everyone thinks just because my sister and I are twins that we have to do everything the same when we barely even look alike. Another fallacy technique is false analogy. People think that if they do one thing well that they can do another just as well. We always use these techniques without even realizing that they’re  wrong. Today I realized a lot of fallacies that I’ve used before , but as I notice them I will fix them.

Fallacy Skit

Today in class I enjoyed myself. We first started with discussing commenting on our blogs and partnering up with senior partners. The energy in the room was pretty dead and boring at the moment.  We were already aware of our plans from the day before , but we didn’t know the outcome of it. When Mr. Rease told us about our skit plans and what kind of fallacy we were reinacting, the mood instantly changed. Everyone in the class lit up in excitement. Our group was assigned with missing the point and weak analogy. Our skit was about a boy who is cheating with 4 different girls, but missing the point saying that he’s faithful to them all. He is using weak analogy because he starts to say “I text you guys just like everyone else. Wait! Scientists can put a man on a moon, but can’t cure a common cold. “ This skit was fun coming up with because we wanted it to be a comedy skit, but at the same time I’m impressed by our skills. We didn’t plan to say a lot of it and didn’t even realize that we u


Today in class we discussed fallacies. The situations and meanings were pretty difficult to understand, but we’re going to learn more about them and use more scenarios.

Effort is Everything

Today in class we watched a short video. The video was about a man discussing his childhood and how he came from nothing. When he was in school he was one of the smart kids, but as school progressed it became harder. He then went on saying that he was never really talented , but talent and brains don’t have anything to do with success. It’s the effort you put in to become successful. Effort is everything.