
Showing posts from September, 2019
I was absent today from class

Chapter 13

Today in class we discussed Chapter 13. In this chapter, Cheryl was basically hiking to go to Castle Crags. During the presentation, in the chapter we were asked how did we grieve and was it similar to Cheryl’s. I responded with the story of how my dog passed away and how it made me feel. Having these chapter discussions and presentations are relieving to my classmates and I. We all have time to vent to each other and get things off of our chests that we may be holding in. These past few days have been relieving to everyone.  I think Cheryl Strayed helped us as we read the book. This book made us think of life from different views and how we as teenagers can relate to Cheryl. I am actually enjoying reading this book.

Chapter 11 Presentation

Today in class we discussed Chapter 11, but not in the regular discussion format. One group presented the information that they had taken from Chapter 11 to teach us about it. It was informal as well as entertaining to everyone even Mr. Rease.

Working On Presentation

Today in class we worked on our presentations. My group was assigned to Chapter 14 of the Wild book. We have to present next Monday, so we have time to get our information together. Our presentation has to be an hour long and full of information front hat chapter


Today in class we were asked to define the American dream as well as our owns dreams and how would we achieve them. I didn’t really understand what Mr.Rease meant by the American dream, but I replied with my dream. My dream is to become a good baker and even compete with other bakers around the country on baking shows. I will achieve this dream by mastering my baking skills and practice to get better. After talking about our dreams, we watched a video with Cheryl Strayed talking about dreams ruining your life. Some dreams can ruin your life if you get lost trying to achieve them instead of making time for yourself. This led us into reading and analyzing Chapters 7 and 8. Some time in Chapter 7 or 8 Cheryl lied to Doug and Tom saying that she had to fix her bag, but she really just wanted to stay behind to be alone. Then we discussed the state of being alone and the place of being alone. We were asked the question “How can being alone be empowering?” I replied with “Being alone can be e


Today in class we began our lesson by talking about hiking and going to many different places, the gear you had to take, and how to be prepared. Mr. Rease started by showing us pictures of him and his family hiking in many different states. It was great to learn about because most of the kids from my class have barely been outside of Alabama. He then went on to ask us the question “ What do you consider your roots to be?”. I know that my roots are African because that’s where my family descends from. We discussed the process of taking your DNA and sending it to labs where they can find out where your family from before was. We defined race, nationality, and ethnicity. When we were given the definitions they all made sense because most people get them mixed up when it comes to the color of your skin, where you were born, and the social group you belong to. This all led into reading a poem by Langston Hughes titled “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. The poem was written to tell about the long
Today in class we took a test on Chapters 5 and 6 from the book Wild By Cheryl Strayed.

Test Day

Today in class we took a test on Chapters 3 and 4 from the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed. After everyone finished we went over and discussed every question to hear everyone’s answers and what they thought.

Chapter 2 : Splitting

Today in class we discussed chapter two of Wild By Cheryl Strayed. In Chapter two Cheryl decided to leave Minnesota to start her hiking journey, but wasn’t so sure about it at first. She knew that someone had to keep the family together and it had to be her. She owed it all to her mother. While going through the problems with her mother’s death she had more problems on more. Her husband left her and she had no one. She immediately wanted her peace back to the way it was before her mother’s death. She was married to her husband , but had multiple affairs just to feel wanted by someone. At this point she’d split into two; her old self and her new self.

What does America mean to you?

Today in class we discussed what America symbolizes to us, and what it means to be an American. I responded saying a group as a whole, and home of the brave. To be an American is taking pride in your country even if you travel from it. We also discussed the definition of a hero, and our American heroes. A hero isn’t just someone who wears a cape and has super powers. A true American hero is someone who is willing to sacrifice their lives before others. One of my American heroes is Harriet Tubman. She honestly sacrificed her life to save thousands of slaves from slavery in the U.S.

Introduction to Wild

Today in class we read half of chapter 1 of a book titled Wild.   In the story, Cheryl was facing many obstacles and needed a peaceful way to deal with all of them. In the story it was fate that brung her to her choice of actually hiking. We discussed the differences between fate and action as well. Fate is something that is small turning into something much larger, and action is actually taking action to do something.

Wild By Cheryl Strayed

Today in class we discussed and read our assigned book. My classmates and I used the audiobook to follow along and take notes together for a better understanding along with annotating. In the book we discovered that the character’s mom passed due to lung cancer and it affected her a lot. They went to college together, studied , and even went on to expand their learning in school.

Multiple Choice Practice

Today in class we discussed a story named “Ambush” by Tim O’Brien. In the story Tim’s character,Tim, was a difficult situation. His daughter wanted to know did he kill anyone while he served in the army. As a child he didn’t explain in detail what happened. His answer was yes, even though he didn’t want to. After he killed the man he started to regret it. The throwing of the grenade and the man dropping to the ground played over and over in Tim’s head. The moral of the story was “No matter how much you dwell on the past, you can’t change it”. After reading the story we focused on cancelling out choices when you’re taking a test with multiple choice. This skill from class today really helped me with finding the best multiple choice answer while testing.