
Showing posts from December, 2019

Student loan crisis

Today in class we mostly discussed the student loan crisis. Nearly 75% of graduates, graduate with student loans. I learned that student loans can be controlled from increasing so high. I also learned about financial aid the assistance they offer for college.

Animal poaching

Today in class there were more presentations. The presentation I liked the most was Clint’s. He discussed animal poaching. Animal poaching is when you cut pieces of an animal off that can harm them , but use the material for your own needs. Most people do this with elephants. They cut  the elephant tusks to make jewelry and even weapons. This can harm the animal and most of the time kill  them. A big problem with the elephants is that this can cause elephant extinction. Once that happens there is no coming back.

Genetic Cloning

Today in class we presented our project presentations. The presentation I liked the most was Jermaine’s. I learned about genetic cloning and it really is an interesting topic. Genetic cloning is interesting because you’re creating an exact clone of a human being from a DNA strand.

Event and Moment

Today in class we discussed event and moment. Events are a thing that happen especially ones of importance. A moment is an exact point in time, and appropriate time, or a very brief period of time.

Importance of Reading

Today in class we discussed the importance of reading. Reading is fundamental and can save your life. We were put into groups to create the best answer for a multiple choice question. I also learned about insurance policies and that you need to have one.


Today in class we read a passage on biodiversity and how it’s studies are declining. Biodiversity is a least chosen topic when picking majors. A big problem is extinction in the world and that more and more animals are becoming extinct as there are no scientists studying biodiversity. I learned better multiple choice strategies today.

Post Office

Today in class we discussed whether post offices should be restructured or not. I took the position as they should. Post offices now should be updated as time goes on. The same old structure will eventually get outdated. I really feel like post offices should be restructured.


Today in class we discussed fear. Most people are scared of death and the thought of it. Fear holds you from doing a lot that you want because you’re always thinking. Fearing some things are good, but bad as well.


Money is important when creating a monument. Location is vital because you have to put it in the right place. The design of the monument is important because you need a good quality material.


Today we took a trip to Mrs.Wells class. While in there we discussed perspectives and how fairytales related to different periods of time in reality. Fairytales were most likely set during the beginning of colonization. We also discussed the three little pigs. This story is often told form the pigs view, but we watched a video from the wolf’s. I learned that’s you have to listen to all sides of a story before accusing someone of being the bad guy.


Today in class we discussed what a monument was and what it signifies. While doing this we created 5 factors that agencies have to consider while creating a monument. At the end we closed with putting 3 of our factors into a thesis statement. I learned that a thesis statement must include a topic, point, and at least three reasons for choosing the topic.