
Showing posts from October, 2019

Creating A Poem

Creating this poem is harder than I thought. Today in class we discussed how to write a good poem using metaphors. My metaphor in my poem is baking is an oven filled with many possibilities.
Today I was absent from class.

Vocabulary Presentation

Today in class, everyone presented their vocabulary projects. My vocabulary words bauble, baroque, bland, and blanch. Bauble is something that is showy , but useless. Baroque is overly decorating. Bland is mild or tasteless. Blanch is the lightening of something.
I was absent from class today.

Frankenstein Play

Today I spent most of my day with Mr.Rease. We took a field trip to see a play about Frankenstein. The play was funny and we had fun. After the play, we went to have lunch at steak and shake. When we arrived back to school we hung out at lunch until the 4th block bell ring. When I got back to Mr.Rease’s class, we just mostly chilled until they called for the class to go to the pep rally. Some do us stayed behind to hang with Mr. Rease. It isn’t as bad as I thought.

Expressing Ourselves

I had a good day today in class. Most of the class was gone to the 90s party, so we decided to have an open discussion on questions that Mr. Rease asked. Some of the questions and answers were funny because of the topic. One of the topics were if you looked into a glass ball,  into your future, what would you ask yourself? Desmond responded “ When the Pain made me numb album coming out.”

Vocabulary Presentation

Today in class everyone presented their vocabulary projects. While presenting, some of my classmates were very entertaining. While making her project, Jada didn’t add any pictures so instead she acted her presentation out.


Today in class we had group discussions on health. We talked about what we thought we’re both healthy and unhealthy foods, ways to stop bad habits, and people doing bad habits. Doing bad habits can affect many people’s lives including their jobs and health.

Rhetorical Question and Procatalepsis

Today in class we discussed the 6th and 7th devices named Rhetorical question and  Procatalepsis. A rhetorical question is something of a cousin to hypophora. A hypophora asks a question, and then answers it immediately, a rhetorical question is one in which the answer is implied.Procatalepsis is a relative of the hypophora. The procatalepsis deals specifically with objections, and it usually does so without even asking the question. Rhetorical Question Ex. - Is it good for teens to have high self esteem? Procatalepsis Ex. - Many people today believe that slavery didn’t occur, but it do.
I was absent from class today.

Literary Devices

Today in class we discussed 3 literary devices. The first literary device is called litotes. Litotes emphasizes it’s point by using a word opposite to the condition. The second literary device is called antithesis. An antithesis is a contrast in language to bring out a contrast in ideas. The last literary device is called a hypophora. Hypophora  is the technique of asking a question, then proceeding to answer it.
Today I was absent from class.

Listening Lesson

Today in class we discussed the difference between listening and hearing. You can hear what someone says, not fully listen to comprehend.

Eqt Review

Today in class we went over the most frequently missed questions out of the class on the EQT. After going over the questions as a class I realized my mistakes better.

Eqt Day

Today in class we took the multiple choice part to our Eqt. It was honestly difficult, but I still passed it.

Gender Roles

Today in class we typed the first part of our EQT, the essay. The essay topic that I picked was gender roles. In wild  , Cheryl displayed roles as both feminine and masculine.

How did Wild end?

Today in class Mr.Rease began by asking us “How did Wild end?”. I responded with “It ended with understanding.” At the end of the story Cheryl discusses that she didn’t have to reach with her bare hands anymore and that seeing clearly was everything. Next, we read and analyzed the poem Birches by Robert Frost. The narrator related to the birches because as a child he swung on bitches for fun. The narrator expressed that he wanted to die, but come back to life and start over. Everyone has felt like starting their life over at a point of time, but realize that it’s impossible.

Eqt Review

Today in class we went over in detail what we’ve learned over the past 9 weeks and what would be on our big test. Mr. Rease gave us a paper with a scenario of a murder crime scene. We had to take a position on who we thought was the murderer. As we went over claims and evidence we watched O.J.Simpson’s case and we came to a conclusion that he killed his wife

Chapter 16

Today in class we discussed Chapter 16. In Chapter 16 Cheryl explained her mother’s bad ways and how she felt her mother was wrong. We also discussed how we  could relate to Cheryl and how our mothers  did similar things to Cheryl’s.

Chapter 14 and 15

Today in class my group presented chapter 14 and another group presented Chapter 15. We discussed them both and told how we felt and how we could relate to Cheryl.

Team Bears

Today in class we were told what we needed to work on and focus more on our grades by Mr.Rease. We also had the students with the highest grades in the class to be leaders of different teams to compete for extra points. After we all picked our teams we had a a test round game on Kahoot and we came in 5th place.